Optimizing the software for a reliable and robust application
Key take-aways from this course
Course description
In many cases, the problems that customers encounter, both in terms of program maintainability as well as physical robot issues, are related to bad programming practices or misuse of features that our programming language provides.
The goal of this webinar is to present some of these issues and provide a basic knowledge of the solving methods. We will use actual cases to better understand the context, and we will find out how to realize easier and more robust programs.
Practical information
We recommend that you have our URSim simulation software installed to practice what you will learn right after the webinar. In order to run the URSim simulator you will need a virtual machine.
You will receive the link for this Webinar in a separate email. If the email doesn’t arrive as expected, please check your spam filter.
When participating in the Webinar you must use Google Chrome as your browser for the best result.